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Can Yaman bursts into the Bct of Benevento, sparking delirium among his fans
Can Yaman, the well-known Turkish actor and model, visited the headquarters of the ASL of Teramo with his “Break the wall tour”, a charity initiative that, step by step, is helping young people from all over Italy to deal with mental health problems
Bct, Can Yaman sets Benevento alight: fans in delirium and crowd at the entrance
Let’s call it the Can Yaman effect : like a tornado, the beauty of the Turkish actor and model hit the third evening of the Bct, the Benevento Film and Television Festival. A crowd welcomed Yaman: Piazza Roma was packed, with spectators arriving from outside the region. During the show, the actor took selfies and signed autographs, much to the chagrin of the security service that had to work overtime to contain the fans of the Turkish star.
Crowd in raptures for Can Yaman
In addition to being an actor and a model with undoubted charm, Can Yaman is also the founder of a non-profit association that supports children and adolescents in the social and health sector. A guest at the seventh edition of the Benevento Cinema and Television Festival, he was awarded for his commitment with the Can Yaman for Children ETS , welcomed by a crowd literally in raptures.
Teramo: Can Yaman visits the ASL with the “break the wall tour”
Can Yaman, the well-known Turkish actor and model, visited the headquarters of the ASL of Teramo with his “Break the wall tour”, a charity initiative that, step by step, is helping young people from all over Italy to deal with mental health problems
Can Yaman in Teramo with his tour against youth problems
Watch full video directly from the Ekuonews Youtube channel
Can Yaman and Heinz Beck at the Buonarroti Hotel Institute in Fiuggi to talk about proper nutrition
Memorable day at the Buonarroti Hotel Institute in Fiuggi with special guests Heinz Beck , one of the best multi-starred chefs in the world, and the Turkish actor Can Yaman. In fact, a conference on the theme “Adolescence and proper nutrition ” was held in the morning at the Teatro Comunale, attended by both guests and the medical staff of the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome,